Our nursery environment and facilities enable your child to explore, develop and learn. Our Babies, Tweenies, Toddlers and Preschoolers spaces are specially designed and equipped especially with them in mind using each child’s interest to fill the room with useful resources.
We keep many aspects of our nursery environments consistent as we know your child will benefit greatly from this. You’ll see many familiar homely items such as bookcases, tables, chairs, dressing up, mini kitchens and sofas just much smaller than you are used to! There are also lots of core resources, enriching toys, games and creative materials, that are always at hand for your child to play with. However, it is not unusual for parts of our nurseries to become unique adventure places where your child’s imagination can run free!
Babies Environment
Our non-mobile babies benefit from a cosy, home-from-home environment beautifully decorated with soft furnishings. Our Family picture wall helps our babies feel safe and secure knowing their families are part of the room.
The babies room is well equipped with the latest in sensory equipment to test their senses and encourage development. We also provide multiple resources to encourage babies to develop key physical abilities from sitting to walking.
As babies spend a lot of time sleeping at this early age, we provide a dedicated sleep room where babies are monitored at regular intervals. We constantly monitor the room’s temperature in the day nursery to ensure the babies are comfortable at all times. An in-room milk kitchen means your child’s key person is speedily able to respond to your babies needs.
There will never be more than three babies to any one member of fully qualified staff, so you can be assured that your little one will get the essential attention they need at this stage in their life. Your child’s key person will take care of all your child’s personal needs.
Our mobile babies benefit from a bright, open plan day room, well equipped with resources such as an Activity Gym and Busy Board to promote their physical and gross motor abilities.
Activities in our Tweenies room focus on the primary areas of the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ framework with significant attention on your baby’s speech development and emotional development through forming relationships.
Our walker’s will also benefit from use of the dedicated sleep room. They’ll have access to our spacious baby garden fitted with artificial grass to ease crawling and cushion tumbles. The baby garden provides plenty of mark making and sensory opportunities.
Tweenies and Toddlers Environment
When your child moves up a stage, their day is structured around their changing interests. Our nursery facilities equipment has been carefully selected, allowing your child to learn at their individual level of understanding.
The room focuses on the primary and specific area’s of the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ framework and encourages learning through play. We have created various dedicated areas offering different activities.
The ‘Reading Corner’ where children can sit in a circle and listen to stories and sing songs, the ‘Role Play Corner’ where children can extend their imaginations and gain an understanding of the world, a construction area to develop coordination and an art station for getting messy and exploring different creative mediums.
Working alongside our parents and following our children’s lead, we start to encourage toilet training at this age so our room is equipped with brightly decorated children’s toilets, encouraging independence. We also promote independence with personal hygiene so this area is equipped with a low level sink and hand dryer. We understand children at this age still require daytime sleep and provide sleeping facilities in a quiet and cosy environment.
Toddlers benefit from a staffing ratio of one member of staff looking after no more than four children and supervised access to our fantastic sensory garden.
Preschool Environment
Our Pre-School children also follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’. We support them and prepare them for their eventual move from day nursery to school. This is a more settled routine, with children working in small groups.
Through our observations of children learning through play, we are able to introduce adult led activities that follow the interest of individual children, linking them to the seven areas of learning:
- communication and language
- physical development
- personal social and emotional development
- literacy
- mathematics
- understanding of the world
- expressive arts and design
Our Preschool facilities are equipped with a state of the art Interactive Smart-screen for use with children’s extra-curricular activities like dance and Spanish and also provides an aid to Phonics sessions, and other educational activities. We also have a dedicated ‘Creative Area’, where independence and making choices is encouraged with low level access to resources and a low level art gallery.
The children complete a lot of their daily activities both inside and outside through choice. We have installed bi-fold doors giving them free flow access from their room to their very own garden, where water and messy play is prominent and they learn how plants grow.
We have provided ample ‘real life’ resources using materials they use in everyday life. The children also have access to fruit and water all day, promoting self-service and independence.
All our children get the opportunity to go on local educational trips, and whether it be to the local shops or places of interest, we always risk assess our outings and ensure that ratios are adhered to.
We invite the local businesses and the emergency services to come in and talk to the children about safety awareness and their community. We also encourage our parents to come in to the nursery for ‘stay and play’ sessions or to help with Adult led activities.
Why not come and see all of our nursery facilities, get in touch and book a tour!