Practitioners work throughout our nurseries, delivering outstanding childcare for our families. They spend their days working with the children, meeting their needs and guiding them through their activities and learning. A day in the life of a nursery practitioner is busy but fun, packed full of important tasks that ensure all of our nursery children benefit from and enjoy their time in our care.


A day of a nursery practitioner usually starts between 7am – 7.15am, this is to ensure that the room is prepared for when children arrive.

Usual checks would be;

  • Health and safety checks internally and externally
  • Registers
  • Prepare for the activities planned throughout the day
  • Prepare the rooms for all age groups
  • Regular checks and headcounts throughout the day

From 7.30am onwards, the children begin to arrive, and the child’s key person would greet the family and child at the door

  • Breakfast will then be served with a choice of cereals and fruit; you will be expected to always be mindful of dietary requirements for each child. You would set up individual place mats which tell you an individual child’s dietary requirements, and you can also find this information on the allergen boards in all rooms.
  • Children who have eaten at home already and do not require breakfast will engage in child led play with staff members .
  • Breakfast would usually finish around 9am and children are encouraged to help their peers tidy up. You would then engage in circle time so the children can discuss their feelings and what activities they would like to participate
    in throughout the day.
  • From 9.30am onwards, the children would then be split into their key groups (you will be assigned your key children) and they will take part in activities that you have planned for them based on their individual needs and next steps.
  • After 10am children are asked to go and wash their hands and get ready for their morning snack.
  • After snack time, you will help the children put on their outdoor wear, encouraging independence. The children can have free time in the garden and planned activities to take part in too, if they wish.


  • Staff lunches will be taken between 11.30am and 2.30pm for 1 hour.
  • At 11.30am children are encouraged to tidy up and get ready for lunch. Once they have done this, they will then be asked to wash their hands, find their placemat and sit down to eat. Children will be asked to self-serve, with practitioners on hand supervising, to ensure no child is given the wrong food and to encourage all children with their eating.
  • Whilst lunch is going on, a member of staff will put the bed mats out for each child that is sleeping, ready for them to go to bed after they have finished lunch. Children that do not need a sleep will have activities available with other members of staff.
  • When the children are asleep, staff will use a sleep chart and documented the time they went to sleep and the time they wake up. Children are then physically checked every ten minutes in line with health and safety.
  • Around 2pm, the children are starting to wake from their sleep. They are offered water and nappies will be changed for those who wear them. Children are encouraged to wake up by themselves as this helps with them being familiar with the surrounding.
  • Once this has been done children will be able to enjoy child led activities until teatime choosing activities of their choice or having a group activity with their key group.


  • Tea is served at around 3pm to the children and supported by the staff in the room to encourage a family style mealtime.
  • Activities with the children indoors and outdoors will continue throughout the afternoon.
  • Any time after 4pm the children generally start to get picked up by their parents or carers. Staff then ensure they are signed out of the building.
  • Once children have all gone home, the rooms will be checked, cleaned, and a closing check list is to be completed for each room.

Additional information.

  • Once a month we will have a staff meeting to go through the relevant training and refresh our knowledge on policies and procedures, along with any other business that may need be addressed.
  • Apprentices will have allotted time to study each week.
  • Training will be provided to ensure that all staff are fully compliant in line with policies and procedures.
  • Further training can be requested by all staff members.
  • During the day, if staffing allows, staff will be given some time out to complete paperwork if required.